Split airport to Marina Agana

From Split airport to Marina Agana there is a travel distance of approximately 19,5 km, which can take about 20 minutes estimated travel time, depending of the road traffic. Above you can find the list of all the types of vehicles we have available from Split airport, to book a transfer from Airport Split to ACI Marina Agana select vehicle type and enter date of travel, press search and then fill out the booking form. If you need to return to Split airport after your vacation, you might also consider to book a return transfer and agree with the driver the pickup point on your outbound trip. If you have some spare time on your return date, you can consider visiting Trogir, city known as one of Croatia's 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Or you can visit Split, also included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites, and enjoy one of the most famous tourist destinations in Croatia, and explore Diocletian's Palace.

Véhicule de transfert