Split airport to Hotel Lav Podstrana

From Split airport to Hotel Le Méridien Lav Podstrana there is a travel distance of approximately 28 km, which can take about 30-40 minutes estimated travel time, depending of the road traffic. Above you can find the list of all the types of vehicles we have available from Split airport, to book a transfer from Airport Split to Hotel Le Méridien Podstrana select vehicle type and enter date of travel, press search and then fill out the booking form. 

Tip: If you need to return to Split airport, you might as well book a return transfer and agree the pickup point with the driver on the outbound trip. If you have spare time on the return date, you should consider a visit to one of Splits surrounding towns like Omiš or Trogir, or you can just spend some time in Split, enjoy one of Croatia's 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites and explore the amazing Diocletian's Palace; an ancient palace constructed by the Roman emperor Diocletian at the end of 4th century, which today forms approximately half the old city center, where you can have a nice lunch or dinner in one of the indigenous restaurants in center.

Transfer vehicle