Zadar airport to Marina Frapa

From Zadar airport to Marina Frapa there is a travel distance of approximately 115 km if you take the highway, which can take about 1 hour and 20 minutes estimated travel time, depending of the road traffic. The alternative route is the coastal road Jadranska magistrala (D8) which has a little bit less kilometers, but a little bit longer travel time (110 km, 1 hour and 40 minutes). Note that the coastal road has an advantage of passing by the picturesque scenery of few beautiful coastal towns, so if you would like to see a bit of Mediterranean environment, we would definitely recommend it. Above you can find the list of all the types of vehicles we have available from Zadar airport, to book a transfer from Airport Zadar to Marina Frapa select vehicle type and enter the date of travel, press search and then fill out the booking form.

Tip: If you need to return back to Zadar airport after a week sailing, you might as well book a return transfer and agree the pickup point with the driver on the outbound trip. If you have spare time on the return date, you could consider visiting a beautiful city Zadar, one of Croatia's 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

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