Split airport to Marina Hramina

From Split airport to ACI Marina Hramina there is a travel distance of approximately 96 km, which can take about 1 hour and 20 minutes estimated travel time, depending of the road traffic.Alternative route, the one where you don't have to pay the toll is the state road D58 or the costal road D8 which has an advantage of passing by the picturesque scenery of some of coastal cities.When you calculate arrival time at destination, you might consider the fact that the delays in a high tourist season are very common, due to an extreme increase in road traffic.Above you can find the list of all the types of vehicles we have available from Split airport, to book a transfer from Airport Split to Marina Hramina select vehicle type and enter date of travel, press search and then fill out the booking form.

Tip: If you need a return transfer back to Split airport, you might as well book it and agree the pickup point with the driver on the outbound trip. And if you find some extra spare time on the return date, you could consider visiting surrounding cities like for example Šibenik, Trogir or Split, where you can take a tour around old towns and enjoy the rich historical legacy of cultural heritage. Note: all three cities, Šibenik, Trogir and Split are one of Croatia's 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Transfer vehicle